Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Colleen Costello & Jaryd Bern Wedding

(Hannah Colclazier) - Colleen Costello and Jaryd Bern during their wedding reception at Woodlawn Farm in Ridge, Md., on September 24, 2011.

Wedding date: Sept. 24.

Location: Woodlawn Farm, Ridge, Md.

Guests: 60.

How they met: In November 2007, Costello was browsing at Kramerbooks when she ran into a law school pal who invited her to join him in the cafe while he waited for a friend. When Bern arrived, he and Costello discovered they both loved jazz and made plans to meet up with friends a few days later at HR57. After the show, Bern impressed Costello by offering to go out of his way to walk her home on a frigid evening. A week later they had their first official date at Paper Moon.

The proposal: On Valentine’s Day 2010, when the region was still buried under several feet of Snowmageddon, Bern persuaded Costello to go outside and make snow animals. While Costello was working on her creation, Bern asked her to come look at his snow bear, whose arms were cupping a red Ring Pop. When she turned to Bern, he was down on one knee with a real engagement ring.

The wedding: Costello’s favorite jazz vocalist, Felicia Carter, performed at the wedding, along with her quintet. Party favors were caramel-nut and hazelnut coffee beans, a blend the couple calls “Bernello.” Eager to spend more time with friends and family, the couple invited guests to attend a post-reception bonfire.

The honeymoon: They spent a week horseback riding on the beach and hiking in Monterey, Calif. In August, they plan to go hang-gliding and visit a jazz festival during two weeks in Switzerland. 

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